Why Paper Clay?

Okay, for those who know my work...you know I work with paper clay.  I adore this material because it's lightweight, easy to manipulate, eco-friendly...and it doesn't require firing in a kiln to dry, thus conserving energy.  In short it's very cost effective.  That's important to me, because everyone can't afford the "bling" that's out there.  I ain't a  Tiffany's or Bvlgari kinda girl...and that's all to it.  Paper clay allows me to explore other cultures and incorporate their sense of beauty in what I do.  My mission is to offer beautiful, unique and affordable pieces to adorn.  I'm able to do that with paper clay!  Hallelujahs!  Still making the world beautiful 2 ears at a time ~Aku~

Partner in Art

Recently, I've made a decision to partner up with long time friend Omzahara. You know the whole two heads are better than one thing. Not only is she a long time BFF....she is an incredible multimedia artist. The wondrous thing about our friendship is that we are so in sync esthetically. If we are out and about and see something amazing...you'd be prone to hear a scream in unison "I LOVE THAT!"
Our styles are completely different but at the same time they totally compliment each other.

So ---O's jewelery will now also be featured at "Aku's Ear Ornaments" in all of it's glory. Hopefully I can convince her to take over Blog duties!!


Kelis in her visually tasty treat and it ain't a "Milkshake"

Check out that headdress!

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